My capstone project significantly incorporated technology to strengthen practitioner-client communication and enable self-management of hypertension. My technology incorporation involved telehealth video calls with the patient to continue to assess the progressive state of hypertension. In these video calls, I could easily access and help the patient monitor hypertension by offering advice on medication, exercise, and diet. These video calls significantly reduced the cost of seeking access to health care by the patient, as she did not travel many times to seek my services. At the comfort of Mrs. S.J’s home, I could offer her advice even if we were geographically apart. The questions asked by the client could be answered by me over the telehealth technology. I also used the hospital resource center computers to ensure effective and safe storage of patient data. This data storage effectively ensured I kept track of the intervention practices suggested to her and her family.
Health care policies play a huge role in the plans, decisions, and interventions undertaken to improve patients’ health. Figueiredo et al. (2017) argued that the health policies significantly determine the cost the people incur in seeking health. In this Capstone project, I studied health policies that directly affect the nursing practice and the technology to incorporate into the health care system. I reviewed the Affordable Care Act (ACA), HIPAA protocols, Nurse Code of Conduct and Scope of Practice, and Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005 (PSQIA). HIPAA guidelines encourage the safety and confidentiality of the patient’s data (Vanderpool, 2019). PSIQ aims to promote the delivery of health care services and improve patients’ safety by ensuring data availability (Gluck, 2019). The nursing practice standards encompass the values of non-maleficence, autonomy, confidentiality, beneficence, and nurses’ accountability of actions (Ahmed et al., 2020). My project aimed to ensure that Mrs. S.J had access to health through ACA and quality health care at a minimized cost. As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, I assured I met the needs and preferences of my patient.
The outcomes of my capstone project matched the initial expectations I had for the project; the project aimed to improve the quality of healthcare among hypertensives through effective management of the condition. Utilizing telehealth practice enabled Mrs. S.J to monitor her blood pressure successfully and perform the suggested interventions correctly. The cost-effective nature of the intervention made the client and families satisfied in the healthcare delivery process. My other initial prediction was to improve the communication and collaboration between the practitioners and clients during the project. I spent around three hours on physical encounters with the client and even more hours on video calls with the patient.